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"Tips on Staying Awake while reading to your Child"

We all know how important reading to children is, Niraya emphasis essential tips for Parents while reading to your child before you drift off to dreamland and leave your kids with a half-finished story, try these tips for staying alert during reading time:

  1. Vary Your LocationYour comfy sofa or reading chair might be just a little too comfy, so try reading somewhere else—at the kitchen table, perhaps, or on the front porch. The fresh air and sunshine can help keep you energized, and a slightly less comfortable chair will help keep you awake.

  2. Vary the Time of Day-If your read-aloud time is scheduled for your kids’ bedtime, chances are that you’re already getting sleepy yourself. If possible, change your read-aloud time to earlier in the day—perhaps right after breakfast—when you are still fresh and wide awake.

  3. Distract Yourself-Stay alert by sipping water as you read, or engage yourself in the story by developing and using different voices for the characters. Eat some apple slices or plain popcorn. Prepare yourself some hot tea—and take a sip each time you start to feel sleepy.



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